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Installation of solar panels

Cartonajes Vallés has as its corporate culture an environmental policy to integrate sustainability into day-to-day development. We are on track to achieve the goal of continuing to improve by guaranteeing environmentally friendly products, also counting on the infrastructure to achieve this.

The installation of photovoltaic panels, as they do not require combustion during their use, does not generate any type of emission of gases or toxic substances that can contaminate the air, nor does it generate any spills that affect the subsoil or water. It is a clean and renewable energy, implying benefits for the environment.

The solar panels project has resulted in a photovoltaic solar system for the self-consumption of 1,200kWn of power, providing an improvement in energy efficiency. The management of the new photovoltaic plant has been made possible by the company IMARTEC NERGIA, S.L.

Installing 12 inverters with a total power of 1,200kW nominal producing a total of 1,749,700kWh per year.

The panels were installed on the ship’s deck to optimize space and performance. These panels are VS+ RENUSOL models, approved by the TÜV Reihnland entity, and have a quality system approved for the design and manufacture of structures according to ISO 9001:2000.
Photovoltaic inverters have control microprocessors and a communication PLC that allows data to be extracted from the installation in real time, providing environmental benefits. To date, for example, the equivalent of 1.88K trees has been saved and 1.38K tons of CO2 have also been avoided. At all times we can be aware of the environmental impact of our day-to-day life and take measures.

Project and installation by company

CARTONAJES VALLES GASSET, S.A. ha recibido una ayuda para su proyecto de autoconsumo “Instal·lació fotovoltaica”, cofinanciada por el Mecanismo Europeo de Recuperación y Resiliencia PRTR-Next Generation EU, coordinada por el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico través de IDAE y gestionada por las autonomías según el Real Decreto 477/2021, con el objetivo de conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible. Se ha elaborado un proyecto de autoconsumo con fuentes de energía renovable, consistente en una instalación de placas fotovoltaicas en las instalaciones de CARTONAJES VALLES GASSET, S.A. (Lleida). En este proyecto se han instalado 2.234 módulos de 540 Wp con una potencia total de 1.206,36 kWp.


Biomass plant installation

Biomass plant installation

Steel boiler with four flues mod. GLOBAL/G/V of 2,800 kW of useful thermal power for the production of 4,000kg/h of steam at the working pressure from 8bar to guarantee the CONTINUOUS availability of 8,000 hours of non-stop service, equipped with a suitable base for the installation of the mechanical feeder with DUPLO technology to serve a home with


The boiler has been studied and made to use solid woody and similar materials as fuels, alternatively liquid and gaseous fuels. The self-supporting structure of horizontal development is manufactured in thick sheet steel, thickness min. 10 – max. 12 mm, suitable for supporting functional thrust pressures through specific traction bars. The combustion chamber has several smoke circuits for the optimal decantation of the powders contained in the smoke, with variable internal temperatures of 900/1,300°C, and has doors for periodic cleaning. In addition, it incorporates a post-combustion chamber with high-speed gas entry in turbulent form, generated by the special secondary combustion air injection system. The refractory coating, of ideal thickness and characteristics, differentiated in the various zones, guarantees the maintenance of temperatures for optimal combustion and for the protection of the load structures.

Project and installation by company


The Benefits of Corrugated Cardboard for the Environment

The Benefits of Corrugated Cardboard for the Environment

In a world increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability and waste reduction, the role of corrugated cardboard in the packaging industry has become more important than ever. Corrugated containers are not only highly functional, but also offer a number of significant environmental benefits. In this article, we will explore how corrugated cardboard has become an eco-friendly choice and how it contributes to the preservation of our planet.

1. 100% Recyclable

One of the main benefits of corrugated cardboard is its ability to be fully recycled. The cardboard recycling process is efficient and widely implemented in many regions of the world. Cardboard packaging can be collected and processed to be transformed into new paper and cardboard products. This not only reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, but also reduces the demand for raw materials such as wood.

2. Lower Carboni Petjada

Compared to other packaging materials, such as plastic or metal, corrugated cardboard has a much lower carbon footprint. Its production requires less energy and natural resources, which contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions. Furthermore, the cardboard recycling process also consumes less energy compared to the production of new packaging from raw materials.

3. Biodegradable i Renovable

Corrugated cardboard is biodegradable, which means that it decomposes naturally in the environment without causing harmful pollution. In addition, the cardboard comes from renewable resources, since it is mainly made from wood pulp. Cardboard manufacturers often engage in sustainable forest management practices to ensure adequate replenishment of the trees used in production.

4. Versatility and Efficiency

Corrugated cardboard is known for its versatility and ability to adapt to a wide range of packaging applications. It can be used to protect fragile products, foodstuffs, electronic products and more. Its capacity for customization is also remarkable, allowing creative designs and an attractive presentation of products.

5. Reduction of food wastage.

In the food sector, corrugated packaging helps to reduce food wastage. The cardboard’s strength and sealing capacity protect perishable products during transport and packaging, which contributes to a longer shelf life and durability of the food.

6. Corporate Responsibility

More and more companies are adopting environmentally responsible practices. The choice of corrugated cardboard packaging is not only ecological, but also communicates an environmental commitment to consumers, which can improve brand perception and attract an environmentally conscious public.

In short, corrugated cardboard has emerged as a packaging solution that goes beyond mere functionality. It offers significant benefits for the environment in being 100% recyclable, having a low carbon footprint, being biodegradable and coming from renewable resources. In addition, their versatility and efficiency contribute to a reduction in food waste and more sustainable business practices. By choosing corrugated cardboard packaging, companies can take concrete steps towards a greener and more environmentally responsible future.


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We are here to attend your needs. If you have any questions, requests or want more information about our organic packaging services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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